Student ministries
In Student Ministries, our mission is to partner together as students, parents, volunteers, and staff to nurture and equip students in order to anchor them in their faith. We do this by guiding students through God’s redemptive mission recorded in the Bible, fostering loving community, equipping students to think critically, and by serving as Christ served. We strive to be relational and intergenerational as we organize around the Love of God and the study of scripture.
The Student Ministry of DCC comprises Middle School (6th-8th grades) ministry and High School (9th-12th grades).
Middle School
Wed, 6:00-7:30 pm
Middle school youth group is fun, wild, and sometimes wacky! We meet together on Wednesday nights from 6:00 - 7:30 PM in the DCC Youth room. We hope the students have fun during the games and contribute in helpful ways during discussion time.
Typically, the flow of Middle School youth group begins with announcements, followed by a video or talk on various different topics. Then, we split into discussion groups and talk about the content presented. Lastly, we round out the night with various games and activities. Fill out the form at the bottom of this page to get involved!
High School
FRIDAYS, 5:30-7:30 pm
We join with high school students at Young Life on Friday nights
from 5:30 pm - 7:30 pm for High School group!
High School youth group
is a time for students to meet together for relevant Bible teaching, worship, games,
and hanging out with friends.
meet for small groups,
special activities,
“YOUniversity” Nights. YOUniversity Nights are designed to discuss relevant cultural topics and develop more critical thinking skills. Come and join us as we study several different topics! Fill out the form at the bottom of this page
to get involved.
Please make sure your student has an updated Medical Form and Waiver.
Vacation Bible School Youth Volunteers
Stellar VBS is going to be full of Bible Adventures, Games, Music, Snacks and High Fives. But we are doing more than entertaining kids, we are helping kids to experience Jesus' love. All our volunteers are such an important part of making this happen...and we couldn't do this without all of you!
Volunteer Sign UpGet Connected
Sign up for Student's Ministry or connect with any questions you might have!