Mission Trip to Cambodia
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Care & Benevolence
Let us know what's going on in your life because we're here to help in any way.
Submit your prayers to our list and get
the power of our community behind you.
Prayer List
Submit your prayers to our list and get the
power of our community behind you.
Dillon Community Church is so grateful for your heart and generosity to the ministries that God has placed on us. Your support allows us to be the hands and feet to serve our church and our community. We know that God is the giver of all good things and calls us to use these blessings “As disciples of Jesus, to Love, Serve and Teach.”
Online Giving
You are welcome to use DCC’s online giving platform for electronic contributions. You may designate your contribution to our General Fund, Benevolence Fund, or other designated funds. You have the choice to make a one-time gift, or set up a recurring contribution cycle, to make monthly giving more convenient.
Give online
Mail in your contribution:
PO Box 1979
Dillon, CO 80435
Wells Fargo Advisors
DTC #0121. 303-679-4403. Call Jude for a/c information 970-468-2461
Sunday Collection
Worship service collections. Contact the office at 970-468-2461 if you have any questions and thank you for your generous support!
Food Bank
To function in the spirit of Loving and Serving, the DCC Food Bank provides nourishment both physically and spiritually to people in need. People use the food bank for a variety of reasons. Most of our clients have lost hours or lost their jobs all together, and the food bank is sometimes the only way they can eat. Others have left an abusive situation and are starting life again from scratch. Some have experienced an unexpected situation, which caused them to exhaust their savings, and now their paychecks can only cover the rent and electric bills. Most importantly, the food bank allows parents to keep nutritional food on the table for their children. Many of us find ourselves at some point in life where we need to take advantage of services like the food bank. At other times, we are blessed with the opportunity to give our time, talent and treasure to help further the cause of God’s work.
DCC Food Bank will serve any family needing food up to 12 times per year.
Director: Lynn Becker
Volunteer Coordinator: Darla Schmidt
Location: Directly across from the main Church entrance at the back of the parsonage.
Hours of Operation: Mondays 4:30 - 6:00 pm, Wednesdays 4:30-5:30pm, Fridays 12:00 noon to 1:30-pm
Do you have questions? Contact the church office 970.468.2461
Educational Classes
Women's Education
Women's Ministry Thursdays at 9:00 to 11:00 am. Starting September 12, 2024, we will be studying "Lyrics of Life" A Study of the Psalms with Lisa Harper. Join us Thursdays for breakfast, fellowship and bible study in the DCC Commons.
Men's Iron Hour: A Study in Pastoral Epistles
Men’s ministry at DCC is founded on our men’s breakfast: “IRON HOUR.” This breakfast happens EVERY WEDNESDAY MORNING, rain or shine, 52 weeks a year, no exceptions. We enjoy fellowship at 6:00 and serve a hot breakfast at 6:30am, followed by a discussion-oriented study, ending around 7:30. We are currently working through the Pastoral Epistles. Come join us for food, fun, fellowship, and time in the Word. Want more information? Complete the form below and we'll get back to you.
Adult Education
The topics vary throughout the year, are 1 hour in length, and meet inside the DCC Commons.
- Dr. Bill Spear will be teaching on Sundays at 8:30 am to 9:15 am in the DCC Commons starting September 8, 2024. This Fall teaching will be "Foundations of Christianity."
- Dr. Jim Howard will teach Sundays at 8:30 to 9:15 am starting September 15, 2024. "Survey of the Old Testament" - Com and learn the order of the Old Testament and the cultural backgrounds.
Course Signup
Bible Studies, Meetings & Virtual Coffee
DCC uses WebEx as a video conferencing platform. You will receive specific instructions in an email invitation for one-off events and meetings.