“I will praise the LORD all my life; I will sing praise to my God as long as I live.” (Ps 146:2)
Our aim at DCC is to foster in people a heart of worship that animates and illuminates every facet of life so that no matter what we do, “whether in word or deed,” (Col 3:17) we do in the power of the Spirit, guided by the truth, and giving thanks in all things. Worship done well will cultivate a community of life, beauty, dignity, creativity, generosity, safety, adventure, and grace. In concert with the Lord’s church around the world, DCC plays a small part in being a light on a hill and we would love for you to join us in being a part of that light.
DCC is a non-denominal church and draws on the strengths of the many church backgrounds that make up our community. A typical service will have a blend of modern and traditional music, public readings, Scripture reading, a space for reflection and contemplation, time in the Word, giving, and a shared communion experience, all geared toward deepening our love for the Lord.
We also believe that as a community, the Lord has gifted people in different ways that are meant to bless and edify the people of the church. So, whether one is an artist, musician, poet, actor, sound tech, lighting pro, teacher, etc., we are interested in having people participate in the worship service to help flesh out the goodness of the Lord by sharing their own talents and their own story. We really do hope you’ll join us!

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