Ministry Plan + Budget
Dear DCC Member,
As we move into our next fiscal year (Sept 1, 2024 – Aug 31, 2025), we have much to celebrate. First, thank you for your generosity. It is because of you that we are able to continue to operate our ministries at a high level. Attached (links below) is the draft General Fund Budget and draft Ministry Plan. We will continue to adjust ministry to stay focused on encouraging and caring for our congregation. This coming year, we are prioritizing growing our student ministry and children's ministry with our new Children's Ministry Director, Maddie Sparr. In addition, we are completing all of the required steps to open Summit Christian School in autumn, 2024.
Explanation Notes, which explains the changes to the budget, are also attached. The biggest revisions to the budget are as follows: 1) increasing staff salaries to based on current CPI (inflation). Other adjustsments have calculated to net reductions based on current actuals - various ministries have moved their budgets around internally to cover needs without raising budgets. Operational costs are rising, but fortunately, current interest rates are helping offset some of these increases. All of this will be reviewed at the official discussion period at the congregational Q&A with elders on Wednesday evening, August 21st at 6:30 pm at DCC. You are all encouraged to come and discuss!
This year we are nominating to the congregation three new elders: Walter Wieronski, Steve Miller and Steve Hill (returning elder). Their bios are available below. Please take some time and read them. If you do not know them, we invite you to get to know them. We are also saying goodbye to two elders: Tim Morris and Brett Confer who are rotating off. Please take some time and express your gratitude to each of them for their service and leadership during these challenging years.
Our congregational meeting is scheduled immediately after the church service on Sunday August 25th and
will be held in the sanctuary at DCC. At this meeting we will vote on these important decisions, and trust
God to provide for his church and our community.
We are truly grateful for your generosity, your love for DCC, and your active participation. On behalf of
the elders and staff, thank you for making DCC a great church!
Warmly in Christ,
Tim Morris, Elder President and Jim Howard, Sr Pastor
Sign up to meet with one of the staff or elders to talk about next year’s ministry plan and budget.
Meeting signup